Innate Medicine FAQs


What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative medicine is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.

How will my experience at Innate Medicine differ from seeing my regular primary care doctor?

The care at Innate Medicine is patient-centered. Dr. Rangel invests time in getting to know you as a person and understand your personal health objectives and needs. Dr. Rangel is oriented toward healing rather than disease and this orientation guides her recommendations be they for continued wellness or addressing chronic health issues.

Does Dr. Rangel see children?

Innate Medicine is an integrative medicine practice focused on adult wellness. Dr. Rangel sees patients 15 years and older.

Can Dr. Rangel be my primary care provider?

Dr. Rangel is currently accepting a small number of patients who wish to be seen for integrative primary care. Some patients prefer to maintain their relationship with their conventional doctor for standard primary care needs such as vaccinations, Pap smears, Strep tests, colonoscopies etc. covered under insurance and utilize Dr. Rangel for more complex health care decision making like whether to start a long term medication like a statin; tapering off medication(s) ex. anti-depressants or PPIs; expertise in reversing chronic medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disorder, autoimmune disease, irritable bowel disease, migraines etc.; developing an integrative treatment plan for complex diseases like cancer, ALS, MS, and other autoimmune disorders.